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    [会展号]  发布时间:2021/10/5 14:28:22  浏览:14355次
    今天是2024年4月19日 星期五 这里是2022中国(成都)国际传感器技术与应用展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展会信息网提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展会信息网祝您参展愉快!

    传感器技术是一项当今世界令人瞩目的迅猛发展起来的高新技术之一,也是当代科学技术发展的一个重要标志,它与通信技术、计算机技术构成信息产业的三大支柱之一。正是由于世界各国普遍重视和投入开发,传感器发展十分迅速。以移动互联网、云计算、大数据等为代表的新一代信息通信技术发展迅猛,正在全球范围内掀起新一轮科技革命和产业变革,推动物联网应用在各个行业的渗透。随着物联网在更多垂直行业领域的发展,传感器在工业生产、智能家居、环境保护等方面都有巨大潜力,并且随着智能时代逐渐到来,传感器将变得更加不可替代。为进一步提升传感器行业发展,充分展示传感器行业的前沿装备技术,积**推动传感器业界的交流互动,强化传感器行业的交流意识、合作意识,实现相互促进、共同发展,“2022中国(成都)国际传感器技术与应用展览会(CDSTE-2022)” 将于2022年7月14日-16日在成都世纪城新国际会展中心隆重召开,为传感器行业搭建全方位展示与交流平台。


    2022 China (Chengdu) International Sensor Technology and Application Exhibition and so on you come to the exhibition, round you will show your dreams, exhibiting visit online registration, view the exhibition overview, exhibition schedule, exhibition time, exhibition location, exhibition scope, organizers, exhibitors and other details.

    Sensor technology is one of the high-tech developing rapidly in the world today, and it is also an important symbol of the development of contemporary science and technology, which constitutes one of the three pillars of information industry with communication technology and computer technology. It is precisely because of the world's universal attention and investment in the development of sensors is very rapid development. The rapid development of a new generation of information and communication technologies, represented by mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, etc., is setting off a new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation in the world, promoting the penetration of Internet of Things applications in various industries. With the development of the Internet of Things in more vertical industries, sensors have great potential in industrial production, smart home, environmental protection and so on, and with the advent of the intelligent era, sensors will become more irreplaceable. In order to further enhance the development of the sensor industry, fully demonstrate the cutting-edge equipment technology of the sensor industry, actively promote the communication and interaction of the sensor industry, strengthen the sensor industry's sense of communication, cooperation, mutual promotion and common development, "2022 China (Chengdu) International Sensor Technology and Application Exhibition (CDSTE-2022)" will be held in Chengdu Century City New International Convention and Exhibition Center on July 14-16, 2022, for the sensor industry to build a comprehensive display and exchange platform.

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 成都传感器展  
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