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    [展会时间轴]  发布时间:2021/3/16 15:47:19  浏览:59608次
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  • 今天是2024年4月19日 星期五 这里是上海重型机械展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展会信息网提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展会信息网祝您参展愉快!




    主办单位: 德国汉诺威展览公司Deutsche Messe AG , Hannover,中国重型机械工业协会

    举办周期:两年一届 展览面积:40000平方 展商数量:400家 观众数量:70000人


    冶金机械: 冶炼锻压设备、连铸设备、轧制设备、钢材精整深加工设备、烧结球团设备、炼焦设备、煤制气设备、电渣重溶炉、锻压设备、其他相关辅助配套设备、备件及零部件

    矿山机械: 钻机、矿用挖掘机、矿用自卸车、露天矿破碎站、采煤机、刨煤机、液压支架、地下矿山采掘设备、矿用提升机、卷扬机、破碎机、矿磨机、磨煤机、球磨机等、筛分设备、洗选及脱水设备、其他矿山机械及相关辅助配套设备、备件及零部件

    起重机械: 桥式起重机、通用门式起重机、水电站门式起重机、造船门式起重机、岸边集装箱起重机、轨道式集装箱门式起重机、轮胎式集装箱门式起重机、抓斗卸船机、加料起重机、铸造起重机、板坯搬运起重机、脱锭起重机、夹钳起重机、刚性料耙起重机、锻造起重机、淬火起重机、电解起重机、缆索起重机、塔式起重机、桅杆起重机、门座起重机、浮式起重机、集装箱正面吊运机、随车起重机、铁路起重机、桥式堆垛起重机、巷道堆垛起重机、手动梁式起重机、电动梁式起重机、悬臂起重机、其他相关辅助配套设备、备件及零部件

    轻小型起重设备: 电动葫芦、气动葫芦、液压葫芦、手扳葫芦、手拉葫芦、滑车、千斤顶、液压升降台、其他相关辅助配套设备、备件及零部件

    输送机械: 带式输送机、板式输送机、刮板输送机、振动输送机、螺旋输送机、斗式提升机、气力输送装置、气垫搬运设备、辊子输送机、悬挂输送机、地面链式输送机、架空索道、臂式堆料机、斗轮堆取料机、桥式斗轮取料机、滚筒式取料机、门式斗轮堆取料机、刮板取料机、散料装船机、散料连续卸船机、连续卸车机、翻车机、料仓及给料机、其他相关辅助配套设备、备件及零部件

    工业车辆: 平衡重式叉车、前移式叉车、插腿式叉车、托盘堆垛车、侧面式叉车、三向堆垛叉车、伸缩臂式叉车、托盘搬运车、拣选车、堆垛跨车、手动液压搬运车、其他相关辅助配套设备、备件及零部件

    物流仓储设备: 自动化仓储设备不含机械式停车设备、堆垛机、货架

    润滑液压设备: 干油、稀油、油气润滑设备,密封件与液压驱动系统等

    大型铸锻件: 火电设备用大型铸锻件、水电设备用大型铸锻件、核电设备用大型铸锻件、风电设备用大型铸锻件、冶金矿山设备用大型铸锻件、石化设备用大型铸锻件、造船工业用大型铸锻件、航空航天军工设备用大型铸锻件

    冶金、矿山、起重运输机械配套件: 减速器、轴承、齿轮箱、制动器、偶合器、电动滚筒、托辊、输送带、联轴器、电动机、专用电缆及辅件、电气控制箱、变频调速系统、超载限制器、起重秤量、起重电磁铁、起重开关、缓冲器、逆止器、平衡器、减震器、回转支架、弹簧、密封制品、紧固件、橡胶输送带、吊具、索具、其他相关辅助配套设备、备件及零部件、软件商、集成商、第三方起重机械检验认证机构等

    Organizers: Deutsche Messe AG, Hannover, China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, Hannover Exhibition Company, Germany

    Period: Two-year exhibition area: 40,000 square exhibitors: 400 number of visitors: 70,000 people
    Heavy machinery and equipment manufacturing industry is an important industry related to the lifeblood of the national economy and national security. In recent years, with the economic development of energy, raw materials, mineral products demand increased, the country eliminated backward production capacity, improve energy conservation and emission reduction policy implementation efforts continue to strengthen, heavy machinery and equipment products market prospects are very promising.

    In order to expand the influence of the heavy machinery industry, show new products and technologies in the heavy machinery industry, build an exchange platform for businesses and provide business opportunities for cooperation, the China Machinery Industry Federation and the China Heavy Machinery Industry Association decided to jointly host the Shanghai International Heavy Machinery and Equipment Exhibition.

    The scope of the exhibits
    Metallurgical machinery: smelting and forging equipment, continuous casting equipment, rolling equipment, steel finishing deep processing equipment, sintering ball equipment, coking equipment, coal gas equipment, electric slag heavy furnace, forging equipment, other related auxiliary equipment, spare parts and components

    Mining machinery: drilling rigs, mining excavators, mining dump trucks, open-pit mining crushing stations, shearers, plows, hydraulic supports, underground mining equipment, mining lifters, hoses, crushers, grinders, grinders, ball grinders, etc., screening equipment, washing and dewatering equipment, other mining machinery and related auxiliary equipment, spare parts and spare parts

    Cranes: bridge cranes, general purpose door cranes, hydropower station door cranes, shipbuilding door cranes, shore container cranes, rail container door cranes, tire container door cranes, graft dumpers, loading cranes, cast cranes, slab handling cranes, ingot removal cranes, clamp cranes, rigid feed cranes, forging cranes, quenching cranes, electrolyte cranes, cable cranes, tower cranes, mast cranes, cranes, cranes Container front cranes, on-the-go cranes, railway cranes, bridge stacking cranes, roadway stacking cranes, manual beam cranes, electric beam cranes, cantilever cranes, other related ancillary equipment, spare parts and spare parts

    Light and small lifting equipment: electric hoists, pneumatic hoists, hydraulic hoists, hand-wrenching hoists, hand-pulled hoists, carriages, jacks, hydraulic lifts, other related auxiliary equipment, spare parts and components

    Conveyor machinery: belt conveyors, plate conveyors, scraper conveyors, vibratory conveyors, spiral conveyors, bucket lifters, pneumo conveyors, hoverboard handling equipment, roller conveyors, suspension conveyors, ground chain conveyors, overhead ropeways, arm stackers, bucket piles Picker, bridge drum picker, roller picker, door drum stacking machine, scraper picker, bulk loader, bulk discharge machine, bulk discharge machine, continuous dumper, silo and feeder, other related auxiliary equipment, Spare parts and components

    Industrial vehicles: balanced heavy forklifts, forward-shifting forklifts, leg-type forklifts, pallet stackers, side forklifts, three-way stacking forklifts, telescopic arm forklifts, pallet handlers, pickers, stacking cross-trucks, manual hydraulic carriers, other related ancillary equipment, spare parts and components

    Logistics storage equipment: automated storage equipment does not include mechanical parking equipment, palletizers, shelves

    Lubrication hydraulic equipment: dry oil, oil, oil and gas lubrication equipment, seals and hydraulic drive systems

    Large-scale cast forgings: large-scale cast forgings for fire-electric equipment, large-scale cast forgings for hydropower equipment, large-scale cast forgings for wind power equipment, large-scale cast forgings for metallurgical mining equipment, large-scale cast forgings for petrochemical equipment, large-scale cast forgings for shipbuilding industry, large-scale cast forgings for aerospace military equipment

    Metallurgical, mining, lifting transport machinery accessories: reducers, bearings, gearboxes, brakes, couplings, electric rollers, rollers, conveyors, couplings, electric motors, special cables and accessories, electrical control boxes, variable speed control systems, overload limiters, lifting Scales, lifting electromagnets, lifting switches, buffers, reverse stops, balancers, shock absorbers, swing brackets, springs, sealing products, fasteners, rubber conveyor belts, lifting gear, ropes, other related auxiliary equipment, spare parts and components, software vendors, Integrators, third-party crane inspection certification bodies, etc

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海重型机械展  
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