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  • 今天是2024年4月20日 星期六 这里是上海国际健身展览会预告,由系统自动更新仅供参考。展会信息网提醒您:因办展存在不可控性导致展会延期无法及时获取更新,参观参展前请务必联系客服/主办方核实确认。展会信息网祝您参展愉快!




    主办单位: ExpoPromoter

    举办周期:一年一届 展览面积:65000平方 展商数量:2500家 观众数量:45000人
    作为亚洲地区领先的健身领域专业展会,IWF SHANGHAI 植根上海,与中国健身行业共同发展的五年,IWF SHANGHAI 承载了一种全新的责任,以“科技”构筑基石,以“创新”彰显意志,向全世界展示以客户需求为本的中国制造之路,不仅为中国健身行业企业/品牌与全球买家构建了高效的商贸对接平台,更是国际品牌进入中国市场的理想之选。

    IWF SHANGHAI将迁至上海新国际博览中心举办,全新展馆,全新布局。国内外展商将专业展示健身领域各个环节的新产品、新技术及应用,凸显新的智能技术及服务给健身带来的巨大变革。同时,上百场高峰论坛、颁奖典礼、赛事竞技、国际培训、互动体验活动等,将为所有与会者提供360度全方位的行业展示!

    IWF SHANGHAI 2019——不忘初心,凝聚行业力量,铸就传奇!五年深耕中国市场,匠心投入,不断超越有效及全面的商贸平台精准的观众定位市场高速发展,如何在有限的资源下有效地找到匹配的合作伙伴对生意的发展至关重要。作为根植中国,放眼全球的国际化专业健身展,IWF SHANGHAI 是品牌找寻质高量商业伙伴的绝佳平台。提供整合营销的解决方案跨越展会的时间和地域限制,IWF SHANGHAI为渴望进入或者想进一步拓展中国市场的企业提供了一套成熟而完整的全年营销解决方案。通过展会社交平台,以及展会新闻稿、电子新闻、路演、现场商务配对、创新产品主题展示区、合作媒体等全方位的曝光。在展会开展前期,品牌就已经开始享受展会市场媒体资源所带来的一系列推广服务。展现行业蓝图不仅仅是商务拓展,IWF SHANGHAI同样也是中国健身市场的风向标。通过展会论坛、特别展示区、健身培训等系列活动,让你了解到**新市场和科技趋势、专业知识及设计理念,助您把握行业发展脉搏。


    商用健身器材: 商用健身器材,家用健身器材,泳池设备、景观及游泳装备,健身器材配件,俱乐部配套用品及设施,健身鞋服及配饰,VR健身及智能穿戴产品,学校运动装备,健康和健身咨询,运动营养品、健康食品、功能性饮料,瑜伽用品,室内运动休闲用品,美容、水疗、桑拿、日光浴,体育及健身场馆设施及营造,按摩器具及配件,体育科研、运动医疗设备

    Sponsored by: ExpoPromoter

    Cycle: Annual Exhibition Area: 65,000 square exhibitors Number: 2500 Number of visitors: 45,000 people

    As Asia's leading professional exhibition in the field of fitness, IWF SHANGHAI rooted in Shanghai, with the common development of China's fitness industry for five years, IWF SHANGHAI carries a new responsibility to "technology" to build the cornerstone, "innovation" to show the world the customer demand-based Chinese manufacturing road, not only for China's fitness industry enterprises / brands and global buyers to build an efficient business docking platform, but also the international brand into the Chinese market ideal.

    IWF SHANGHAI will be relocated to the Shanghai New International Expo Center, with a new pavilion and a new layout. Domestic and foreign exhibitors will professionally display new products, new technologies and applications in all aspects of the field of fitness, highlighting the new intelligent technology and services to bring great changes to fitness. At the same time, hundreds of summit forums, awards ceremonies, competitions, international training, interactive experience activities, etc., will provide all participants with a full range of 360-degree industry display!

    IWF SHANGHAI 2019 - Don't forget the first heart, unite the strength of the industry, cast a legend! Five years of deep cultivation of the Chinese market, ingenuity, and constantly beyond the effective and comprehensive business platform accurate audience positioning market rapid development, how to effectively find a matching partner under limited resources is essential to the development of business. As an international professional fitness exhibition with roots in China and a global eye, IWF SHANGHAI is the perfect platform for brands to find high-quality business partners. Offering integrated marketing solutions that span the show's time and geographic constraints, IWF SHANGHAI offers a proven and complete set of year-round marketing solutions for businesses eager to enter or further expand into the Chinese market. Through the exhibition social platform, as well as exhibition press releases, electronic news, roadshows, live business pairing, innovative product theme display area, cooperative media and other full range of exposure. In the early stage of the exhibition, the brand has begun to enjoy the exhibition market media resources brought about by a series of promotional services. Showing the industry blueprint is not only business expansion, IWF SHANGHAI is also a weathersafa for China's fitness market. Through exhibition forums, special exhibition areas, fitness training and other series of activities, let you understand the latest market and technology trends, professional knowledge and design concepts, to help you grasp the pulse of industry development.

    The scope of the exhibits

    Commercial fitness equipment: commercial fitness equipment, household fitness equipment, swimming pool equipment, landscape and swimming equipment, fitness equipment accessories, club accessories and facilities, fitness shoes and accessories, VR fitness and smart wearable products, school sports equipment, health and fitness consulting, sports nutrition, health food, functional beverages, yoga supplies, indoor sports and leisure supplies, beauty, spa, sauna, sunbathing, sports and fitness facilities and facilities, massage equipment and accessories, sports equipment and accessories

    信息来源:会展号 EXPO号  会员:
    信息标签: 上海健身展  
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